Kokanee Details

  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Latin Name: Oncorhynchus nerka
  • Common Names: Sockeye salmon, Red salmon, blueback salmon, kokanee, koke, and silver trout
  • Water Temp: 50 degrees Faranheit and above
  • World Record: 15 lbs. 3 ounces
  • Last Modified By: pramsey on 09/06/10 08:42 AM
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... brettinbrookline posted in VT

Baits and Tackle for Kokanee

Casting & Trolling Spoon;22 Check Prices

  • Shoepeg corn and crawlers

Worm Check Prices

  • crawlers and corn

Nightcrawler Check Prices

Kokanee Description



Kokanee Salmon are bright silvery fish with no definitive spotting pattern. Kokanee have a dark blue back with silvery sides. As the spawning season approaches, kokanee turn from silver to orange to deep red and the male develops a characteristic hook-jaw common to the Pacific salmon. A deeply forked tail also distinguishes them from rainbow, cutthroat and brown trout. They are present in reservoirs such as Flaming Gorge, Porcupine and Strawberry reservoirs.

Kokanee Salmon is simply the name for a Pacific Sockeye Salmon when it is landlocked. Kokanees have been a part of Utah's fishery management program for many years now. Kokanee can be one of the most difficult and elusive fish species to catch in Utah, but are a beautiful fish to catch and are very tasty to eat.

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