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"Get Hooked on Montana"

Wise River Comments

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User: vinny60
Comment: On average a fish on the Wise will tend to be about eleven or twelve inches in length, plenty big enough when fishing with light gear. On a few occasions fish in the four and five pound class are caught, a difficult task considering the Wise often requires 6x tippets to fish the crystal clear waters. The Wise is one the few rivers where the waters will tumble for hundreds of yards. Much of the river's banks are choked with willows and some areas host deep undercut banks. Fly-fishing anglers will find the river requires a touch of casting finesse and quite often it may be best using a dead drift. While dry fly fishing appears to be the technique most anglers prefer, streamers and nymphs are equally as effective. Hatches are normally in full-swing by mid June and July. Anglers should pay special attention to large boulders, undercuts and fallen timber as they harbor many fish from the rivers swift current. In the fall months baetis type flies work well in warmest part of the day. Autumn is also when valley is at its finest as the crisp morning air and brilliant fall colors provide images that will not likely ever leave your mind. It's also this time of year ruthless browns from the Big Hole move in. These browns can be merciless on tippets and leaders, but are ever bit worth it. Winters in the Wise River Valley can be quite severe. Temperatures are often brutal, dropping well below zero. When the river begins to thaw in spring, good fishing is not very far off. Tackle & Gear: For most fishing on the Wise River an eight foot, two or three-weight rod is a good choice. The exception would be in fall when large browns move in for spawning. For this a five or or six-weight system would be the wiser choice, keeping in mind that some of the browns can push 8 or 9 pounds. Good insulated waders are advisable through June.
Date: 09/23/09 10:06 PM

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